
I’m a multimedia artist, illustrator, filmmaker, writer, designer, and DIY enthusiast based in Winnipeg.

My illustrations have appeared in Vice, Stylus, and The Manitoban, as well as in other (perhaps unexpected) places including The Chris Gethard Show and The 2015 Critics’ Choice Awards. I've done character design for video games, UX/UI design, and built puppets for The Winnipeg Fringe Festival. I've also designed a beer can with space cats on it. I used to play in the pop punk bands Homeward Bound and Ghost Hole. I was in a Beethoven movie once.

My film and video work can be found on Vimeo and has screened at several festivals. I've done public speaking at Mentoring Artists for Women’s Art (MAWA)Pecha Kucha Night Winnipeg, Vol. 23 and on a panel at UWPG Film Festival.

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